Stakeholder Mapping: A Guide to Identifying and Engaging Key Players

Stakeholders are important because they have a vested interest in the outcome of a project, business, or organization. Understanding and managing stakeholder interests and expectations is crucial for ensuring the success of a project, business,…

REST API and it’s management

For many front-end, back-end and integration developers, the REST API management is hazy. What does it include, what does it mean regarding the design of APIs? Our APIs are already visible over the internet, do we need this now? A developer…

Thoughts on Digital Transformation and the Azure Stack

The main discourse, ever since I started working in the IT industry, is driving businesses forward in a climate of constant technology change. In any situation, resistance to change is fierce and it makes certain sense since a business goal…

Five questions before you begin your digital transformation

No one gets out of here, no one hides. It's a matter of time before any company goes through digital transformation and embraces the cloud, robots, artificial intelligence, dev-ops, data analysis and the list is only at the beginning. And then,…

Our Blog Has Moved

SOME SAY IT WAS ABOUT TIME… In 2012, the project that started all the way back in 2006 as a thought exercise under the name of Bynapse, has moved on to become Bynapse – an enterprise doing its part in making the world a better, simpler…

PDF and E-book creation

Every now and then, someone tries to edit a PDF file and the old Acrobat and Distiller question pops back. What are the roles of those two and why still use Word to edit? Why is Acrobat still important in e-book creation? First the basics.…

Web 2.0 business models

Web 2.0 is a hot topic, is this and that and all together as one. A technological and social shift defined by a manifesto that was published by Tim O’Reily that offers examples on how web technologies enable the change and makes a prediction…

Web 2.0, oil to cyber space

Not too long ago, if you were from Texas and had a little bit of land that only cattle enjoyed thus far and walked into an office on Wall Street asking for money to drill for oil, money were flying to you. A while after that, in the 90’s,…

PPC Advertisers Hints, Tricks, and Guru Guidance.

Vasilis Pasparas wrote an article on about PPC advertising and I felt it does a great job on summarizing the subject for us. I wrote Vasilis and he was kind enough to reply : Dear Bogdan, As i have told you over Yahoo Messenger…