On Azure RM to Az and keeping the lights on

Chances are that, if you have started your journey to the cloud a while ago, and that's not so long ago.. you already have IaaC - Infrastructure as a Code scripts and templates in place. I know I do and I know how important it is for Azure Cloud…

Azure API Management – Leaking information

Azure API Management is very powerful and you get a lot of functionality out of the box but leaking information can easily be overlooked. There are several ways information can be leaked when configuring the Azure API Management. Setting…

Azure API Management – Security Concerns

I want to start by saying that the API Management services (and specifically the Azure API Management, since this is the component I usually go to) are central and necessary in today's digital transformation as they're promoters to generating…

Authentication on Azure Mobile Apps – Server Flow – AD

Communication, authorization flows, user and rights management, access tokens and IP addresses.. just a few things we worry about when building and securing a web API. If you need a refresh on Mobile Apps and what does that mean in Azure, please…

Wireframe and Mockup Tools

Just a list.. a nice list. Pencil Open source and Free, the Pencil Project is a great tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use. It runs as either a Firefox plugin or in a standalone XUL runner. Does not work on Mac…

Implicitly Typed or Named Types

An Implicitly Typed Local Variable, var, is “new” and it is subject to restrictions: The declarator must include an initializer. The initializer must be an expression. The initializer expression must have a compile-time…

Web application security

It's a real possibility that the web server is locked down and secured.   Web application hacking requires the attacker to understand application logic. A website may be ripped entirely and stored locally. While this does not give…

ActiveX modal dialogs are pushed behind Internet Explorer’s browser window

It has been long since my last article but I must tell you, I have been spending my time doing some beautiful programming lately and, while I was away, Microsoft decided to put another browser out in the world. For most programmers that have…

AJAX makes business sense

I recently had to answer to the: “Should we go with AJAX” question and, for a developer, the answer to this question is not obvious. There are many benefits in using AJAX, both from the user or programmer’s perspective but this particular…