Hi, I’m Gabriel Bogdan Badulescu
I author this blog, mentor development teams and am a Microsoft .Net Developer and Azure Architect. I build Web and Mobile Solutions, speak at events and engage with technology thought leaders.
I am based in Montreal, Quebec and I have been consulting and working with domain leading companies, but this blog, its content and opinions are my own.
I blog about coaching, technology, company culture, gadgets, sites, code and teams, bold future ideas and about our past. I’m excited about famly, life, diversity, culture, community, equity, entrepreneurship, not necessarily in that order.
I am a Microsoft Azure enthusiast and a hybrid mobile application promoter as well as an Open Source projects contributor. I have been working and developing on Windows, since the launch of Delphi 2 in 1995 and VisualStudio 6 in 1996 working on academic Machine-Learning Optical Recognition Fuzzy Algorithm research projects based on neural networks since 1997. My focus is helping organizations simplify and organize development using Microsoft and Open Source technologies. I’ve been involved in large enterprise projects and have experience in software development and architecture.
This is me, today. I hope to evolve and improve tomorrow.
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