Stakeholder Mapping: A Guide to Identifying and Engaging Key Players

Stakeholders are important because they have a vested interest in the outcome of a project, business, or organization. Understanding and managing stakeholder interests and expectations is crucial for ensuring the success of a project, business,…

Thoughts on Digital Transformation and the Azure Stack

The main discourse, ever since I started working in the IT industry, is driving businesses forward in a climate of constant technology change. In any situation, resistance to change is fierce and it makes certain sense since a business goal…

Five questions before you begin your digital transformation

No one gets out of here, no one hides. It's a matter of time before any company goes through digital transformation and embraces the cloud, robots, artificial intelligence, dev-ops, data analysis and the list is only at the beginning. And then,…

Business to the Clouds

Most likely that you have heard of Software as a Service, the original “as a service” idea, and you are certainly using this type of service on a daily basis either on your smartphone, tablet or by accessing your online bank account. The…

Monetizing unused domains

Park your domains and make a buck while you think about it? Unless you are in this business, domain monetizing is not going to put a meal on the table, but monetizing is possible and makes enough to make owning the parked domain worth while. I…

Little search box

The neat search box at the top of that sleek looking Web 2.0 style site you just visited looks good? Well, you can have it too, tailored to your desires. The ability to perform an easy and efficient search seems to be the main ingredient…

Web 2.0 business models

Web 2.0 is a hot topic, is this and that and all together as one. A technological and social shift defined by a manifesto that was published by Tim O’Reily that offers examples on how web technologies enable the change and makes a prediction…

Web 2.0 websites for rookies

This age of the internet is all about decentralization. Only a few years ago, during the “bursting of the dot-com bubble”, almost an entire generation concluded that the internet is over hyped and turned its attention elsewhere, thus leaving…

Conquering website basics

The web site is your magazine. You are publishing a highly interactive collection of columns on any subject you can think of, providing that the web site sticks to a certain content category. The webmaster is the publisher, the designer is…