Azure API Management – Security Concerns

I want to start by saying that the API Management services (and specifically the Azure API Management, since this is the component I usually go to) are central and necessary in today's digital transformation as they're promoters to generating…

Authentication on Azure Mobile Apps – Server Flow – AD

Communication, authorization flows, user and rights management, access tokens and IP addresses.. just a few things we worry about when building and securing a web API. If you need a refresh on Mobile Apps and what does that mean in Azure, please…

Easy Auth – App Service token store

The App Service Token Store was added to App Service Authentication / Authorization and it is a repository of OAuth tokens associated with your app users. When a user logs into your app via an identity provider, such as AAD or Social Providers,…


In today’s dynamic technology landscape, it’s easy, as developers, to start building all that beautiful code while happily reinventing the wheel. Thankfully, design patterns and SOLID principles come in handy when it’s time to replace…


We need to get one thing straight before we dive into Azure Mobile Apps and I get to tell why I fell in love with the concept: Azure Mobile Apps are the back-end, the API, the server layer of a Mobile App and it should be used as a back-end…

You need to see my site

In the movie Field of Dreams a farmer gets convinced by a mysterious voice saying “If you build it, they will come.”, that he is supposed to construct a baseball diamond in his corn field. This catch-phrase ruled the dotcom boom and it worked.…